Page name: Insanity Cult! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-04-23 22:31:53
Last author: Lex
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[I]n[S]a[N]i[T]y [C]u[L]t[!]



.::[W]h[a]t [W]e [A]r[e]::.


* We may pick you individually and randomly for some slight testing. Do NOT be alarmed! It is harmless.
* No numbers to the rules therefore no order!
* No one who is SANE may speak/associate/or collaborate with this association.(UNLESS thou wants to become a member of the organization of the Insanity Cult!.)
* We will accept who you are no matter how strange or different or psychotic or unknown you are!

.::[I]n[s]a[n]i[t]y [C]u[l]t[']s [F]r[e]a[k]s[h]o[w]::.

**Dont forget to join it! This is our newest part of the wiki. Made by none other than our great [Mr. Oogie Boogie]. Thank you Jack ^^. This page is a Freakshow. Litterally. Of our very own members during their insane lifes.**

Insanity cult freaks!

Join it NOW!

.::[I]n[S]a[N]e [B]a[N]n[E]r[S]::.

[shadows of life]
[Mr. Oogie Boogie]

.::[I]n[S]a[N]e [Q]u[O]t[E]s::.

Cry me a river build me a bridge do us all a favor and jump off of it.
A northern fairy tale starts out "once upon a time.."
A southern fairy tale starts out "y'all ain't gon' believe this shit!"
Murphy's Law of Combat:
"Never forget that your weapon was manufactured by the lowest bidder"
SEXY; its not what you wear. its how you take it off
Do you know why there are so many blonde jokes?
Because the brunettes have nothing better
to do while all the blondes are out on dates. 

Even if the voices are not real, they have some good ideas.
A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory
I been turning fellas heads since I first started walking
but you just been giving fellas headaches since you first started talking.
The world would have been a lot better if you had just been a stain

Specify that your drive-thru order is to go, it confuses people
I had plenty of pimples as a kid. One day I fell asleep in the library.
When I woke up, a blind man was reading my face.

My imaginary friend thinks you have serious mental problems
When I have a kid, I want to put him in one of those strollers
for twins and then run around the mall looking frantic.

I don't have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman
who'd be mad at me for saying that
I know a lot about cars. I can look at a car's headlights
and tell you exactly which way it's coming.
An escalator can never break. It can only become stairs.
You would never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign,
just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience."

The only reason Santa is so jolly is because
he knows where all the bad girls live.

Arguing over the internet is like the Special Olympics:
even if you do win, you're still retarded.
Don't spend $2 to dry clean a shirt. donate it to the salvation army instead. They'll clean it & put it on a hanger, Next morning buy it back for 75 cents!
I respect vegetarians and their decisions,
but my thinking is ~ I'm on top of the food chain here,
so if I can get it, I can eat it.
if a cow figures out how to kill me and eat me, more power to him!
Cancel My Subscription, cuz I'm sick of your issues!!
Sex is like spades. If you don't have a good partner u better have a good hand!
The best thing about Alzheimer’s is:
You can hide your own Easter eggs
Birdie, birdie, in the sky, why'd you do that in my eye?
Looks like sugar, tastes like sap. OMG! IT'S BIRDIE CRAP
When they put unknown at the end of a quote,
that means they probably don't no how to spell anonymous
I'm a babe magnet... just the wrong end
Dumb is just not knowing... Ditzy is having the courage to ask

Don't get high on life: cereal hurts when it gets stuck up your nose
If you could read my'd be the 2nd smartest person on earth
I have a hobby. I have the world's largest collection of seashells. I keep it scattered on beaches all over the world. Maybe you've seen some of it.

My girlfriend's weird. One day she asked me,
"If you could know how and when you were going to die,
would you want to know?" I said, "No." She said, "Okay, forget it."

I went for a walk last night and she asked me how
long I was going to be gone. I said, "The whole time."
I got stopped by a cop the other day.
He said, "Why'd you run that stop sign?"
I said, "Because I don't believe everything I read."
When I die, I want to go like my grandfather did, peacefully in his sleep.
Not yelling and screaming like all the passengers in his car.
If you're robbing a bank and you're pants fall down, I think it's okay to laugh and to let the hostages laugh too, because, come on, life is funny

After a year in therapy, my psychiatrist said to me,
'Maybe life isn't for everyone.'

Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than you is an idiot,
and anyone going faster than you is a maniac

I'm not into working out. My philosophy: No pain, no pain

I am not a vegetarian because I love animals;
I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.

Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first woman she meets and then teams up with three complete strangers to kill again.
-= Marin County newspaper's TV listing for "The Wizard of Oz" =-

Join the army, meet interesting people, kill them.

Evening news is where they begin with 'Good evening',
and then proceed to tell you why it isn't.

I like work. It fascinates me. I sit and look at it for hours.
It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world
everyday always just exactly fits the newspaper.

You're slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter

'I have always been insane with long intervals of horrible sanity' -Edgar Allan Poe

can't sleep clown will eat me

.::[I]n[S]a[N]e [M]u[C]h[?]!::.



.::i[M]p[O]r[T]a[N]t [I]n[F]o[R]m[A]t[I]o[N]::.
The cult ritual dance is a lot of jumping and clapping!
We also have Insanity Cult Olympics. (Still deciding dates).
If you have any questions feel free to ask Alex, Ben, or Mat.
If you would like to add images please inform one of us and We will take care of it.
ALSO! We will take in any suggestions to make this a better more awesome wiki than it already is going to be.
We will take all that we can get.
If you wana join inform one of us and we will add you!
Thank You!
-The Insane Cult Leaders-
[Lex]     &&     [Spoonmad]


[I be THE MAT!] -Co Owner-


[Mr. Oogie Boogie] - Co Owner of Insanity cult freaks!


.::o[U]r [R]e[C]r[U]i[T]e[R]s::.

[Lex] -Owner #1- Insanity cult WILL rule all!!!
[Spoonmad] -Owner #2-
[I be THE MAT!] - Co owner [cuz he has a glorious talent of running in circles on the floor and screaming panda] - I was once alone and lost and couldnt find anyone insane enough.......but thnaks to this i can reveal my true self BPLBPLBPLBPLBPLBPLBPLB
[Mr. Oogie Boogie] - Co owner of Insanity cult Freaks! - [Lex] Awesome Pimp! =]
[shadows of life]
[The Incredible Bulk] - Ah..finally a place i can be myself
[Leaving Forever]
[Supernova.] -streaks-
[DRACE] - raging ball of blue furr

.::m[E]e[T] t[H]e [M]a[S]c[O]t[!]::.
Simon the Ki'y!!!


*Hisss Hisss - Mewwww*

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2008-01-11 [I be THE MAT!]: Its my own species hehehehehe *starts to charge*

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *snickers* Mr. piccckkkkyyyy.... *cough*

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: snickers is a chocolate bar dear.. were you going for *sniggers?

2008-01-11 [I be THE MAT!]: Thats it ive had it with you correcting english AAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *bites your foot*

2008-01-11 [Lex]: Ok thats it lemme at 'im!!!! *charges at him glaring*

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: yes matt... bite a dragon's foot when your a werewolf.. thats how the werewolf gene spreads... now im going to be half werewolf.. half dragon... who's the little genius ^^ *pinches matts cheeks*

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *grins* that sounds freaky, youll be a mutant! mwahaha

2008-01-11 [I be THE MAT!]: Oh but thats where you are wrong. Im a WAREWOLF! We dont do that thing hahahahahahaha *runs up body and bits nipple*

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *tilts head looking up at mat* Uhmm.. is that sanitary!?

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: do you know how long it would take to run up my body to reach my nipple? *bites off the bottom half of matt*

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *screams and faints*

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *hands alex a blanket..* there you go dear..

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *wakes up* wait no! *looks around* i swear i just saw you eat half of mat.??

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: he'll be fine.. il heal him in a bit.. he just needs to calm down..

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *stares blanky up at you* Whaaa?

2008-01-11 [I be THE MAT!]: *walks around on my arms* Okay give me my other half back :P

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *screams* EWWWW!!!

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: will you be calm?

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *stares* i think imana be sick. *covers face*

2008-01-11 [I be THE MAT!]: Hey now please, I miss walking on feet :P

2008-01-11 [Lex]: ..... o.o

2008-01-11 [I be THE MAT!]: Well time for me to go, Goodbye seetie ^_^ *kisses your cheek*

2008-01-11 [Lex]: awwwwwww v.v *kisses you* bye love... tomorrow?

2008-01-11 [I be THE MAT!]: Yup see ya tomorrow ^^

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: no one kisses MY cheek >.>.. *spits matts legs out* there lol

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *giggles* .... i dont... think ... hahah

2008-01-11 [I be THE MAT!]: *attches bottom half back* Thats better *kisses both of you* bye ^_^

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *squeels* uhhh... >.>

2008-01-11 [DRACE]: *strips nakkie and runs through the wiki screaming 'THE JELLO IS COMIN, THE JELLO IS COMING'*

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *falls back laughing* this day couldnt get any better!!!! hahahahaha!!!

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: OH MY GOD!! *runs away from the jello*.. not agaaaain

2008-01-11 [Lex]: hehehe! run jack ruuuun! mwahhaa!!

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: its after you aswell..

2008-01-11 [Lex]: *grins* im not afraid... hah!

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: its lime..

2008-01-11 [DRACE]: *stops and says 'I like this song...' he shuts his eyes adn starts shaking his rude thingy to the song playing in his head*

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: which song?

2008-01-11 [DRACE]: basket case by greenday ^^

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: im listening to American Idiot..

no offense lol

2008-01-11 [DRACE]: none taken, cause I'm not an American :P

2008-01-11 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: oh thats right xD

2008-01-11 [DRACE]: hehe *dances*

2008-01-11 [Lex]: haha I AM! DAMNIT!!! MWHAHA!

2008-01-11 [Supernova.]: HEY *slapdown*

2008-01-12 [Lex]: *stares* huh... haha. what happend?

2008-01-29 [Lex]: hey! i will not fail this wiki! so hmpf!!! LIVE!!!! >.< *makes ppl talk*

2008-01-29 [Supernova.]: DUBBLEEWWTEEEFF?!?!?!

2008-01-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: Mow?

2008-01-29 [Supernova.]: =WTF xD

2008-01-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: mweoe?

2008-01-29 [I be THE MAT!]: *walks in wearing man thong* YO!

2008-01-29 [The Incredible Bulk]: *Hies*

2008-01-29 [Lex]: LMAO! WOOOT!!! YES!! I WIN!!! LMAO!

2008-01-30 [I be THE MAT!]: O.o what? *looks down* Oh this? yeah, the devil told me to do it

2008-01-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: *covers you up with cardboard*

2008-01-30 [I be THE MAT!]: O.o how dare you!? *rips cardboard off and dances*

2008-01-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: JACkASS!

2008-01-30 [I be THE MAT!]: I know you are, but what am I?

2008-01-30 [The Incredible Bulk]:
a..Turkish delight.

2008-01-30 [I be THE MAT!]: Yuck! I hate Turkish delight

2008-01-30 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: thats why you are one i would guess

2008-01-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: I would love to be an Apple magician *smiles and dreams off*

2008-01-30 [I be THE MAT!]: Nah, Id love to be that role playing charecter i told you about alice.

2008-01-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: Aples magician who can make produce plums from mid air *Drools*

2008-01-30 [I be THE MAT!]: Like Apples ^^

Not keen on plums >.<

2008-01-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: KIWI'S!!!..*Dances with a KIWI*

2008-01-30 [I be THE MAT!]: OMG NOOOO! *shoots Kiwis* I hate them with a passion

2008-01-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: Fine *brings out dragon fruit and a spoon*

2008-01-30 [I be THE MAT!]: *aims at Alice* And what do you think your going to do with that?

2008-01-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: *eats it*.Yummy^^

2008-01-30 [I be THE MAT!]: *lowers gun* Heh wierd person

2008-01-30 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: weird person? your both talking about fruit.. since when WASNT it weird?

omg.. i just got some drainpipes today ^^ SQUUUUE *hugs em* il look so emo ^^ <3

2008-01-30 [Lex]: lol RAWR! damn it was like a talking storm up in here

2008-01-30 [Empty~Soul]: damn

2008-01-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: Aww. ^.^

2008-01-30 [Empty~Soul]: -pounces alice- MINE!

2008-01-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: *Huggles back*..Miiiine

2008-01-30 [Empty~Soul]: ^-^ yesh you own meeee lol

2008-01-30 [shadows of life]: *appears*

2008-01-30 [Empty~Soul]: WOLFIE!!!

2008-01-30 [shadows of life]: what i do <_< >_>

2008-01-30 [Empty~Soul]: -laughs- me....>_> did i say that outloud <_<

2008-01-30 [shadows of life]: lol yes you did

2008-01-30 [Empty~Soul]: oops anyways alice how was the docs

2008-01-30 [shadows of life]: heh

2008-01-30 [Empty~Soul]: >_>

2008-01-30 [shadows of life]: ..

2008-01-30 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: sick..

2008-01-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: The docs was shit, i have to go for councelling.

2008-01-30 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: well i could have told you THAT xD joke ahah ^^ <3

2008-01-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: D:, I"m fair upset about it...I know i've fecked my self up about a dozen times..but

2008-01-30 [I be THE MAT!]: WTF ARE DRIANPIPES?!

2008-01-30 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: skinny emo jeans ^^

2008-01-30 [I be THE MAT!]: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww

2008-01-30 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ^^ thanks

2008-01-31 [I be THE MAT!]: Emo pants......*shudders*

2008-01-31 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: matt.... *shudders*


2008-01-31 [I be THE MAT!]: Im sexy and you know it xD

2008-01-31 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: yeah to the lady who works at soho's xD.. wobbly tits ;P

2008-01-31 [I be THE MAT!]: Shut it you! :P

You liked that women anyways hehe

2008-01-31 [I be THE MAT!]: >.>..............<.<..................^_^

*runs off and comes back with guitar, amp and microphone*

2008-01-31 [I be THE MAT!]: TIME TO ROCK!!!

*starts playing DragonForce*

On a cold winter morning, in the time before the light
In flames of death's eternal reign we ride towards the fight
And the darkness is falling down and the times are tough all right
The sound of evil laughter falls around the world tonight

Fighting hard, fighting on for the steel
Through the wastelands evermore
The scattered souls will feel the hell, bodies wasted on the shore

On the blackest plains in hells domain
We watch them as they go
Through fire and pain and once again we know

Tonight we fly ever free
We're free before the thunderstorm
On towards the wilderness our quest carries on
Far beyond the sundown, far beyond the moonlight
Deep inside our hearts and all our souls

So far away we wait for the day
For the light source so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
Through the fire and the flames we carry on

As the red day is dawning
And the lightning cracks the sky
They raise their hands to the heavens above
with resentment in their eyes.
Running back through the mid-morning light
There's a burning in my heart
We're banished from the time in the fallen land
To a light beyond the stars

In your blackest dreams we do believe
Our destiny this time
And endlessly we'll all be free tonight

And on the wings of a dream
So far beyond reality
All alone in desperation
Now the time is gone

Lost inside you'll never find
Lost within my own mind
Day after day this misery must go on

So far away we wait for the day
For the light source so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
Through the fire and the flames we carry on

*hammers on guitar*

Whoah, whoah, whoooooah, whoah, whoah, whoooooah

*does awesome guitar solo*

Now here we stand with their blood on our hands
We fought so hard now can we understand
I'll break the seal of this curse if i possibly can
For freedom of every man

So far away we wait for the day
For the light source so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
Through the fire and the flames we carry on


2008-01-31 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: i didnt even read that xD

2008-01-31 [Supernova.]: BITCHYES *spazz*
Dragon Force is so effing hard >.<
Have you seen that 11 year old Asain kid who pwn'd it on Expert mode?!

2008-01-31 [Lex]: i........ didnt really read the lyrics either..... >.> was i sposed tooo??? and WOOOOOOOOOOOT!....

2008-02-01 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: well i bet matt meant for us too.. but we didnt anyway xD

2008-02-01 [I be THE MAT!]: *cries*You was all supposed to cheer......Thank you alex ^^

2008-02-01 [Empty~Soul]: -cheers- lol

2008-02-01 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: oh.. *cheers* .. there

2008-02-01 [Supernova.]: Woo!

2008-02-02 [I be THE MAT!]: YAYNESS ^^ *hugs all*

2008-02-02 [shadows of life]: woot

2008-02-03 [Lex]: I duno why you thankededed meh???!!! but hmm.....>> Oh well! lol.

2008-02-03 [I be THE MAT!]: Becuase you said woooot!!!

2008-02-03 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ok read these xD

First message sent? (as in.. VERY first.. he just looked at my profile then started)

Him: what do you want

Me: excuse me?

Him: if you dont leave me alone im getting you banned

Me: first of all? im friends with more than two on the council.... second? you cant get me banned for saying "excuse me".....third? i CAN get you banned for acting the way you are.. so... get lost

Him: im gonna tell them if you dont stop

2008-02-03 [Supernova.]: *roffle attack*
Who is this tart?!?! I want to bother him >:D

2008-02-03 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: [xxrockyxx] xD

2008-02-03 [Supernova.]: I got it covered.

2008-02-03 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: xD thanks.. lemme know what gets said... ive told a friend though [Bookwyrm] to see what i should do about it.. i hope she condones my want to abuse him xD

2008-02-03 [Supernova.]: I will...I will *evil laughter*

2008-02-03 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: xD oh god.. have i unleashed a demon?

2008-02-03 [Supernova.]: Bitch yes you have!!!

2008-02-04 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *hides*

2008-02-04 [shadows of life]: O_o?

2008-02-04 [Lex]: uhm ... im scared... *hides in a bush*....

2008-02-04 [Supernova.]: *glows red* Now I unleash my wrath on loser-y people!!!

2008-02-04 [shadows of life]: you can't touch shadows

2008-02-04 [I be THE MAT!]: *Cries and runs away* EVIL BITCH ON THE LOOSE!!!

2008-02-04 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: matt in here *calls him to a bombshelter*

2008-02-04 [I be THE MAT!]: *runs to bomb shelter* ^_^ Thanks!

2008-02-04 [I be THE MAT!]: >.>



........................^_^ *grabs guitar and starts to play guns and roses sweet child of mine*


2008-02-04 [The Incredible Bulk]: *looks at the rain* I'm gonna be the next wet dog.

2008-02-04 [I be THE MAT!]: *runs to alice and rocks out on giutar* OH YEAH!

2008-02-04 [The Incredible Bulk]: *Shakes like a wet dog*..I need a bone.

2008-02-04 [I be THE MAT!]: *throws bone* FETCH!

2008-02-04 [The Incredible Bulk]: *Runs after it jumps into the pond and Doggy paddles back*, realises how stupid i am on the notice that calder high tops go see throw and stays in the pond*

2008-02-04 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *freezes the pond*

2008-02-04 [I be THE MAT!]: O.o


They do!?

2008-02-04 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: she would know.. *cough* xD

2008-02-04 [I be THE MAT!]: *ice skates on ice* Weeeeeeeee

2008-02-04 [The Incredible Bulk]: It's becuase of the flood i know.
Luckily i had my coat^^.
And the rain hates me D:

2008-02-04 [I be THE MAT!]: *circles around alice* Well your surrounded by the thing you hate most. Ice

2008-02-04 [The Incredible Bulk]: **gets up and stays in the centre of the ice.Help?

2008-02-04 [I be THE MAT!]: *circles* Hahaha Nope ^^

2008-02-04 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: you cant stand up dear.. think about it.. you were in the pond when it froze

2008-02-04 [I be THE MAT!]: HAHAHAHA!

2008-02-04 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*rewinds time*

2008-02-04 [I be THE MAT!]: *rocking on guitar*

^^ anyways isa gotsa gosa

BYESIE BYE! *kisses all* ^_^

2008-02-04 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ewwww *wipes the kiss off*

2008-02-04 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*Is Imobilized by Fear*

2008-02-04 [I be THE MAT!]: What? Ive gave you kisses before ^^

2008-02-04 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: didnt need to hear that

2008-02-04 [The Incredible Bulk]: That was a fair while back Deary.

2008-02-04 [I be THE MAT!]: :P Still counts ^^

2008-02-04 [The Incredible Bulk]: URgle.

2008-02-04 [I be THE MAT!]: *shoves you into tree* Burgle

2008-02-05 [Lex]: i dont even want to know! you guys... talk... much! lol

2008-02-05 [shadows of life]: <_< >_>

2008-02-05 [Lex]: uhhhhh huuuhh??

2008-02-05 [shadows of life]: NO CLUE

2008-02-05 [Lex]: hahaha..... right... *pounces*

2008-02-05 [shadows of life]: *falls*

2008-02-05 [I be THE MAT!]: *sits on you both* Hi Guys ^^

2008-02-05 [Lex]: *screams* MATTY! AHH!! GAH!! IM SANDWHICHED!!!!! *dies*

2008-02-05 [Supernova.]: *spins super fast then runs forward into a wall* Ow.

2008-02-05 [shadows of life]: *turns to shadows*

2008-02-06 [Lex]: *is dead*

2008-02-06 [Empty~Soul]: *pounces alex* MINE!

2008-02-06 [Lex]: *dead limp cold white DEAD*

2008-02-06 [Empty~Soul]: o.o

2008-02-06 [Lex]: ...

2008-02-06 [Empty~Soul]: my alex ish dead?...NO!!! *cries*

2008-02-06 [Lex]: .

2008-02-06 [Empty~Soul]: dot?

2008-02-06 [Lex]: *is a dot from the dead*

2008-02-06 [Empty~Soul]: dotdotdot

2008-02-06 [shadows of life]: .

2008-02-06 [Lex]: *becomes a ghost*

2008-02-06 [shadows of life]: OMD Alex ghost

2008-02-06 [Empty~Soul]: omd?

2008-02-06 [Lex]: *nods* you cant touch meh now can you .... NO cuz.... no one savededed meee.... >.< great *sits in mid air* now what am i to do!

2008-02-06 [Empty~Soul]: save yourself?

2008-02-06 [shadows of life]: oh yeah *use shadow magic to bring back alex*

2008-02-06 [Lex]: shhhh >> nooo....

2008-02-06 [Empty~Soul]: *sits in a dark corner*

2008-02-06 [Lex]: *disappears and then body sits up*...

2008-02-06 [shadows of life]: ?

2008-02-06 [Lex]: kiki!! *stands up and runs to her tackling her to the ground* no dark we be... colorful.... *gets a pantbrush and paints walls lime green* BRIGHT! NO DARK! hehehe

2008-02-06 [Empty~Soul]: *laughs*

2008-02-06 [shadows of life]: i like the dark and use red *paints over*

2008-02-06 [Empty~Soul]: *sits out of the way just in case there is a paint fight*

2008-02-06 [Lex]: *grabs hand* better be BRIGHT red! *smiles at kiki* we never be dark if we be dark we be depressed and i make it colorful cuz... i got predy paint!!! *paints ceiling yellow.... hehehe

2008-02-06 [shadows of life]: hey don't stand there

2008-02-06 [shadows of life]: no that yellow any thing bout that

2008-02-06 [Lex]: > hmmm *grabs his paintbrush and dips it in baby blue with out him knowing and places it back in his hand*

2008-02-06 [shadows of life]: sorry i just don't like yellow

2008-02-06 [Lex]: lol. its bright thats all that matters... hehehe go ahead paint... ^^ hehe

2008-02-06 [Empty~Soul]: *looks at all the colors*

2008-02-06 [Lex]: hehe like ittt??

2008-02-06 [shadows of life]: <_< >_> *take a bucket of paint and toss at the wall*

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